Rash Cause: Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Explained
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (abbreviated P. aeruginosa and pronounced sood-o-`mo- nez airoo-gin-o-sa) is a bacterium that causes the majority of skin rashes and infections from pool and spa use. P. aeruginosa is also the cause of most cases of “swimmer’s ear” acquired in swimming pools. It is generally believed that P. aeruginosa rashes are the most common recreational water illness in treated waters. What It Is P. aeruginosa is a very common bacterium found in water, soil and on many plants. It can grow on the inside surfaces of PVC pipes used for pool and spa construction and garden hoses used to fill pools and spas. It is adapted to live in…
When Pools Turn Purple
When Pools Turn Purple It may look pretty, but the cause can be a real problem. By Nate Traylor Jack’s Magic While manganese stains look similar to those from copper cyanurate, they affect the pool and water differently. Among the most peculiar stains the pool professional will encounter are those created by manganese or copper cyanurate.Both create a strange purplish hue in the pool, but the latter is especially peculiar. When water contains copper and a high level of cyanuric acid, the combination creates copper cyanurate. This can reveal itself in the form of purple crystals along the waterline, skimmer basket, walls and bottom. It’s one of the prettiest chemical…