Do You Have to Have a Fence Around Your Pool in Texas?
Austin Blue Pool Buiders

Do You Have to Have a Fence Around Your Pool in Texas?

Unfenced pools are dangerous for children and animals as they can easily fall in and drown. In fact, every year more than 300 children across America die from drowning. This is why many states have a fence around pool law. This is also the main safety concern with having a pool.

So, do you have to have a fence around your pool in Texas? The answer is yes. But requirements vary according to your locale. Keep reading for more information about Texas swimming pool regulations on whether you need a fence around above ground pools and in-ground pools.

Do You Have to Have a Fence Around Your Pool in Texas?
Do You Have to Have a Fence Around Your Pool in Texas?

Minimum Requirements For Pool Fences in Texas

Must you have a fence around your pool in Texas? Different counties have their pool requirements. But at the time of writing, Texas laws have a rule for pool fences. Chapter 757 of the Texas Health and Safety Code specifies that pools must have a fence that is at least 48’ high. Any gaps between the fence and the ground should be less than 4”. This prevents kids and animals from crawling into the pool area.

Another requirement of the Texas Health and Safety Code is that fences must not be made from chain-link or slats. This is because children can climb these and access the pool without your knowledge.

The fence should also have a 48” gate that is self-latching and self-closing. This allows easy entry and exit from the pool while still protecting children and animals from wandering in and falling into the water. Finally, the Texas state laws need you to have locks and alarms on doors and windows that open from the home into an indoor pool.

Other than the state laws, each municipality has its requirements for pool fences. It is, therefore, best to check with your local office to find out what your specific requirements are.

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Do You Have to Have a Fence Around Your Pool in Texas?

Best Practice For Pool Fences

If you don’t live in Texas you may be asking “Do I need a fence around my above ground pool?” The answer is still yes. Unfenced pools are extremely dangerous for children and animals. So it is your duty of care to fence around in-ground pools as well as above ground pools.

Insurance companies will also not cover any liabilities that occur in an unfenced pool. All in all, a fence will give you peace of mind and allow you to fully enjoy your pool.

Do You Have To Have A Fence Around Your Pool In Texas?

State laws require pool owners to have a fence and gate that are at least 48” high. There should be no gaps under the fence and it shouldn’t be made of chain-link or slats. This prevents children from accessing the pool in your absence. Do your research to find out the specific ordinances for your area.

But whether the law requires it or not, it is advisable to fence your pool area to prevent children and animals from falling in. For more information about how you can design a safe pool, read the rest of our site.

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